Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility Study and Improvements - Baldwin City

Baldwin City, KS

As a first step to address the wastewater treatment planning needs of Baldwin City, BG Consultants was retained to prepare a facility study and recommendations report. A comprehensive plan was developed, including population projections, a timeframe for improvements, rating of alternatives for expansion through present worth analysis, cost estimates, and final recommendations.

The study resulted in the design and construction of Phase I Baldwin City Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements, rated for a capacity of 0.90 MGD. The Phase I Construction design included site planning for the Phase II Development of the treatment plant, which will increase the size of the facility to 1.35 MGD. The plant is an activated sludge continuously sequencing reactor that provides BNR treatment all in one basin. Sludge is processed through aerobic digestion and a belt filter press for disposal to the local landfill. Other components of design included:

  • Access roads
  • Headworks building with washer/compactor and relocation of automated barscreen
  • Grit and grease removal basin
  • Influent pump station
  • Splitter box
  • Combination aeration and clarifier basins
  • UV disinfection
  • Non-potable water wet well
  • Cascade
  • RAS/WAS pump station
  • Basin building with laboratory, MCC rooms, office, break room, piping, valves, and all other associated appurtenances


City of Baldwin City
