Waterline Improvements - Lawrence

Lawrence, KS

The waterlines along Kentucky, Tennessee, and 9th Streets in Lawrence were 75-125 years old and needed replacement. They experienced joint failures that led to several leaks. The City of Lawrence contracted BG Consultants to replace waterline for these streets. The goal was to provide reliable water service and replacement lines for the student housing area east of the University of Kansas campus and Saint John’s parish neighborhood with minimal disruption throughout construction.

Communicating with the businesses, institutions, renters and homeowners in the project corridor was an important component. Prior to construction, weeks of advance planning was required to maintain access to Saint John’s Church and School. This allowed planned parish events to continue throughout. BG’s carefully prepared Traffic Control Plan allowed streets to be open or partially open through major portions of work. Access to residences, businesses, and Saint John’s parish was maintained throughout construction, except for short durations when a waterline was constructed across a driveway.

Detailed design with limited change orders was accomplished through BG’s careful consideration of line location, valving, construction sequencing, construction technique, traffic control, access, driveways, sidewalks, trees, landscaping, and existing utilities. The project required 1,345 feet of 12-inch DIP, 5,583 feet of eight-inch C-900 PVC, 31 gate valves, and 14 fire hydrants. Connections were made to 27 existing waterlines and 455 services.


City of Lawrence, Kansas
