Award Organization

BG Consultants, Inc. Board of Directors



The Cecil Kingsley Outstanding Achievement Award, given by BG Consultants, Inc., recognizes an individual whose behaviors provide a role model for others. While no one person in an organization can be credited with the achievement of excellence, this award will recognize and set forth leadership behaviors that have inspired, encouraged, challenged, and empowered others to achieve performance excellence.

Cecil Kingsley was awarded the BG Consultants, Inc. Cecil Kinsgley Outstanding Achievement Award in 2018.

After graduating with a Civil Engineering degree from Kansas State University, Cecil joined BG Consultants in 1981. He has his professional engineering licenses in Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. At BG, he took on the role of City Engineer for many Kansas Municipalities with a focus in Water Sytems and Transportation. Wanting to make a larger contribution in his career and at BG, Cecil confided in then BG President, Steve Berland. Steve provided the challenge of investigating the factors causing the Olate office's low performance so Cecil moved from Manhattan to Olathe to complete the task. Cecil realized that the Olathe market was too saturated for BG to make an impact as one of tweleve offices in the area which lead him to recommend moving the office to Lawrence. The Lawrence office was founded September 9, 1987 and consisted of three additional employees; Al Dieball and Dean Noll, who Cecil recruited from the Manhattan office and a receptionist. Since then the Lawrence office has grown to become an influencial part of the Lawrence community. Cecil eventually moved up from Lawrence Office Manager to BG President from 2013-2017. He has amassed numerous other awards and accolades, most noteable his 12-year term on the Kansas Board of Technical Professions, appointed by the Govenor. 

Future Award recipients will share the character and leadership traits that personify Cecil’s legacy as they lead BG into the future and inspire achievement and high performance.  They will be identified as a catalyst for excellence throughout their related areas of our firm culture and business practices. The award will be presented when a BG employee demonstrates the leadership qualities the Cecil Kingsley Outstanding Achievement Award promotes, is nominated by the President, and is deemed worthy by the BG Consultants, Inc. Board of Directors.